/*! * fullpage 2.7.1 * https://github.com/alvarotrigo/fullpage.js * @license mit licensed * * copyright (c) 2015 alvarotrigo.com - a project by alvaro trigo */ (function(c, l) { "function" === typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function(m) { return l(m, c, c.document, c.math) }) : "undefined" !== typeof exports ? module.exports = l(require("jquery"), c, c.document, c.math) : l(jquery, c, c.document, c.math) })("undefined" !== typeof window ? window : this, function(c, l, m, p, h) { var n = c(l), w = c(m); c.fn.fullpage = function(d) { function la() { var header_risesunheight = $(".header_risesun2").height(); var header_risesunheight2 = $(".header_risesun").height(); q = q - header_risesunheight; //alert(header_risesunheight+"+"+header_risesunheight2+"+"+q); h.css({ height: "100%", position: "relative" }); h.addclass("fullpage-wrapper"); c("html").addclass("fp-enabled"); d.css3 && (d.css3 = ma()); d.anchors.length || (d.anchors = c("[data-anchor]").map(function() { return c(this).data("anchor").tostring() }).get()); e.setallowscrolling(!0); h.removeclass("fp-destroyed"); na(); c(".fp-section").each(function(a) { var b = c(this), e = b.find(".fp-slide"), h = e.length; a || 0 !== c(".fp-section.active").length || b.addclass("active"); //alert(header_risesunheight+"+"+q); b.css({"height":q+"px"}); //alert() b.css({"height":q+"px"}); d.paddingtop && b.css("padding-top", d.paddingtop); d.paddingbottom && b.css("padding-bottom", d.paddingbottom); "undefined" !== typeof d.sectionscolor[a] && b.css("background-color", d.sectionscolor[a]); "undefined" !== typeof d.anchors[a] && (b.attr("data-anchor", d.anchors[a]), b.hasclass("active") && i(d.anchors[a], a)); d.menu && d.css3 && c(d.menu).closest(".fullpage-wrapper").length && c(d.menu).appendto(r); 0 < h ? oa(b, e, h) : d.verticalcentered && ia(b) }); e.setautoscrolling(d.autoscrolling, "internal"); var a = c(".fp-section.active").find(".fp-slide.active"); a.length && (0 !== c(".fp-section.active").index(".fp-section") || 0 === c(".fp-section.active").index(".fp-section") && 0 !== a.index()) && u(a); d.fixedelements && d.css3 && c(d.fixedelements).appendto(r); d.navigation && pa(); d.scrolloverflow ? ("complete" === m.readystate && ja(), n.on("load", ja)) : ka(); la(); if (!d.animateanchor && (a = l.location.hash.replace("#", "").split("/")[0], a.length)) { var b = c('[data-anchor="' + a + '"]'); b.length && (d.autoscrolling ? x(b.position().top) : (x(0), t.scrolltop(b.position().top)), i(a, null), c.isfunction(d.afterload) && d.afterload.call(b, a, b.index(".fp-section") + 1), b.addclass("active").siblings().removeclass("active")) } ma(); n.on("load", function() { var a = l.location.hash.replace("#", "").split("/"), b = a[0], a = a[1]; b && v(b, a) }) } function oa(a, b, g) { var f = 100 * g, e = 100 / g; b.wrapall('
'); b.parent().wrap('
'); a.find(".fp-slidescontainer").css("width", f + "%"); 1 < g && (d.controlarrows && qa(a), d.slidesnavigation && ra(a, g)); b.each(function(a) { c(this).css("width", e + "%"); d.verticalcentered && ia(c(this)) }); a = a.find(".fp-slide.active"); a.length && (0 !== c(".fp-section.active").index(".fp-section") || 0 === c(".fp-section.active").index(".fp-section") && 0 !== a.index()) ? u(a) : b.eq(0).addclass("active") } function na() { c(d.sectionselector).each(function() { c(this).addclass("fp-section") }); c(d.slideselector).each(function() { c(this).addclass("fp-slide") }) } function qa(a) { a.find(".fp-slides").after('
'); "#fff" != d.controlarrowcolor && (a.find(".fp-controlarrow.fp-next").css("border-color", "transparent transparent transparent " + d.controlarrowcolor), a.find(".fp-controlarrow.fp-prev").css("border-color", "transparent " + d.controlarrowcolor + " transparent transparent")); d.loophorizontal || a.find(".fp-controlarrow.fp-prev").hide() } function pa() { r.append('
    '); var a = c("#fp-nav"); a.addclass(function() { return d.showactivetooltip ? "fp-show-active " + d.navigationposition : d.navigationposition }); for (var b = 0; b < c(".fp-section").length; b++) { var g = ""; d.anchors.length && (g = d.anchors[b]); var g = '
  • ', f = d.navigationtooltips[b]; "undefined" !== typeof f && "" !== f && (g += '
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  • "; a.find("ul").append(g) } c("#fp-nav").css("margin-top", "-" + c("#fp-nav").height() / 2 + "px"); c("#fp-nav").find("li").eq(c(".fp-section.active").index(".fp-section")).find("a").addclass("active") } function ja() { c(".fp-section").each(function() { var a = c(this).find(".fp-slide"); a.length ? a.each(function() { j(c(this)) }) : j(c(this)) }); ka() } function ka() { var a = c(".fp-section.active"), b = a.find("slides_wrapper"), g = a.find(".fp-scrollable"); b.length && (g = b.find(".fp-slide.active")); g.mouseover(); k(a); na(a); c.isfunction(d.afterload) && d.afterload.call(a, a.data("anchor"), a.index(".fp-section") + 1); c.isfunction(d.afterrender) && d.afterrender.call(h) } function oa() { var a; if (!d.autoscrolling || d.scrollbar) { for (var b = n.scrolltop(), g = 0, f = p.abs(b - m.queryselectorall(".fp-section")[0].offsettop), h = m.queryselectorall(".fp-section"), k = 0; k < h.length; ++k) { var l = p.abs(b - h[k].offsettop); l < f && (g = k, f = l) } a = c(h).eq(g) } if (!d.autoscrolling || d.scrollbar) { if (!a.hasclass("active") && !a.hasclass("fp-auto-height")) { w = !0; b = c(".fp-section.active"); g = b.index(".fp-section") + 1; f = x(a); h = a.data("anchor"); k = a.index(".fp-section") + 1; l = a.find(".fp-slide.active"); if (l.length) var r = l.data("anchor"), q = l.index(); y && (a.addclass("active").siblings().removeclass("active"), c.isfunction(d.onleave) && d.onleave.call(b, g, k, f), c.isfunction(d.afterload) && d.afterload.call(a, h, k), k(a), e.setfittosection(!a.hasclass("fp-auto-height")), i(h, k - 1), d.anchors.length && (a = h, y(q, r, h, k))); cleartimeout(z); z = settimeout(function() { w = !1 }, 100) } d.fittosection && (cleartimeout(aa), aa = settimeout(function() { y && d.fittosection && (c(".fp-section.active").is(a) && requestanimframe(function() { v = !0 }), b(a), v = !1) }, d.fittosectiondelay)) } } function pa(a) { return a.find(".fp-slides").length ? a.find(".fp-slide.active").find(".fp-scrollable") : a.find(".fp-scrollable") } function l(a, b) { if (k.m[a]) { var d, c; "down" == a ? (d = "bottom", c = e.movesectiondown) : (d = "top", c = e.movesectionup); if (0 < b.length) if (d = "top" === d ? !b.scrolltop() : "bottom" === d ? b.scrolltop() + 1 + b.innerheight() >= b[0].scrollheight : void 0, d) c(); else return !0; else c() } } function sa(a) { var b = a.originalevent; if (!qa(a.target) && ba(b)) { d.autoscrolling && a.preventdefault(); a = c(".fp-section.active"); var g = pa(a); y && !z && (b = ra(b), d = b.y, m = b.x, a.find(".fp-slides").length && p.abs(n - m) > p.abs(e - d) ? p.abs(n - m) > n.width() / 100 * d.touchsensitivity && (n > m ? k.m.right && e.moveslideright() : k.m.left && e.moveslideleft()) : d.autoscrolling && p.abs(e - d) > n.height() / 100 * d.touchsensitivity && (e > d ? l("down", g) : d > e && l("up", g))) } } function qa(a, b) { b = b || 0; var g = c(a).parent(); return b < d.normalscrollelementtouchthreshold && g.is(d.normalscrollelements) ? !0 : b == d.normalscrollelementtouchthreshold ? !1 : qa(g, ++b) } function ba(a) { return "undefined" === typeof a.pointertype || "mouse" != a.pointertype } function ta(a) { a = a.originalevent; d.fittosection && t.stop(); ba(a) && (a = ra(a), e = a.y, n = a.x) } function sa(a, b) { for (var d = 0, c = a.slice(p.max(a.length - b, 1)), e = 0; e < c.length; e++) d += c[e]; return p.ceil(d / b) } function u(a) { var b = (new date).gettime(); if (d.autoscrolling && !o) { a = a || l.event; var g = a.wheeldelta || -a.deltay || -a.detail, f = p.max(-1, p.min(1, g)); 149 < c.length && c.shift(); c.push(p.abs(g)); d.scrollbar && (a.preventdefault ? a.preventdefault() : a.returnvalue = !1); a = c(".fp-section.active"); a = pa(a); g = b - ta; ta = b; 200 < g && (c = []); y && (b = sa(c, 10), g = sa(c, 70), b >= g && (0 > f ? l("down", a) : l("up", a))); return !1 } d.fittosection && t.stop() } function ua(a) { var b = c(".fp-section.active").find(".fp-slides"), g = b.find(".fp-slide").length; if (!(!b.length || z || 2 > g)) { var g = b.find(".fp-slide.active"), f = null, f = "prev" === a ? g.prev(".fp-slide") : g.next(".fp-slide"); if (!f.length) { if (!d.loophorizontal) return; f = "prev" === a ? g.siblings(":last") : g.siblings(":first") } z = !0; f(b, f) } } function va() { c(".fp-slide.active").each(function() { u(c(this), "internal") }) } function b(a, b, g) { requestanimframe(function() { var f = a.position(); if ("undefined" !== typeof f) { var e = a.hasclass("fp-auto-height") ? f.top == 0 ? 0 : f.top - q + a.height() : f.top, f = { element: a, callback: b, ismovementup: g, dest: f, dtop: e, ymovement: x(a), anchorlink: a.data("anchor"), sectionindex: a.index(".fp-section"), activeslide: a.find(".fp-slide.active"), activesection: c(".fp-section.active"), leavingsection: c(".fp-section.active").index(".fp-section") + 1, localisresizing: v }; if (!(f.activesection.is(a) && !v || d.scrollbar && n.scrolltop() === f.dtop && !a.hasclass("fp-auto-height"))) { if (f.activeslide.length) var h = f.activeslide.data("anchor"), k = f.activeslide.index(); d.autoscrolling && d.continuousvertical && "undefined" !== typeof f.ismovementup && (!f.ismovementup && "up" == f.ymovement || f.ismovementup && "down" == f.ymovement) && (f.ismovementup ? c(".fp-section.active").before(f.activesection.nextall(".fp-section")) : c(".fp-section.active").after(f.activesection.prevall(".fp-section").get().reverse()), x(c(".fp-section.active").position().top), va(), f.wraparoundelements = f.activesection, f.dest = f.element.position(), f.dtop = f.dest.top, f.ymovement = x(f.element)); if (c.isfunction(d.onleave) && !f.localisresizing) { if (!1 === d.onleave.call(f.activesection, f.leavingsection, f.sectionindex + 1, f.ymovement)) return; ua(f.activesection) } a.addclass("active").siblings().removeclass("active"); k(a); y = !1; y(k, h, f.anchorlink, f.sectionindex); va(f); a = f.anchorlink; i(f.anchorlink, f.sectionindex) } } }) } function va(a) { if (d.css3 && d.autoscrolling && !d.scrollbar) wa("translate3d(0px, -" + a.dtop + "px, 0px)", !0), d.scrollingspeed ? ca = settimeout(function() { da(a) }, d.scrollingspeed) : da(a); else { var b = wa(a); c(b.element).animate(b.options, d.scrollingspeed, d.easing).promise().done(function() { da(a) }) } } function wa(a) { var b = {}; d.autoscrolling && !d.scrollbar ? (b.options = { top: -a.dtop }, b.element = ".fullpage-wrapper") : (b.options = { scrolltop: a.dtop }, b.element = "html, body"); return b } function da(a) { a.wraparoundelements && a.wraparoundelements.length && (a.ismovementup ? c(".fp-section:first").before(a.wraparoundelements) : c(".fp-section:last").after(a.wraparoundelements), x(c(".fp-section.active").position().top), va()); a.element.find(".fp-scrollable").mouseover(); e.setfittosection(!a.element.hasclass("fp-auto-height")); c.isfunction(d.afterload) && !a.localisresizing && d.afterload.call(a.element, a.anchorlink, a.sectionindex + 1); na(a.element); y = !0; c.isfunction(a.callback) && a.callback.call(this) } function k(a) { var b = a.find(".fp-slide.active"); b.length && (a = c(b)); a.find("img[data-src], source[data-src], audio[data-src]").each(function() { c(this).attr("src", c(this).data("src")); c(this).removeattr("data-src"); c(this).is("source") && c(this).closest("video").get(0).load() }) } function na(a) { a.find("video, audio").each(function() { var a = c(this).get(0); a.hasattribute("autoplay") && "function" === typeof a.play && a.play() }) } function ua(a) { a.find("video, audio").each(function() { var a = c(this).get(0); a.hasattribute("data-ignore") || "function" !== typeof a.pause || a.pause() }) } function xa() { if (!w && !d.lockanchors) { var a = l.location.hash.replace("#", "").split("/"), b = a[0], a = a[1]; if (b.length) { var c = "undefined" === typeof a, f = "undefined" === typeof a && "undefined" === typeof a && !z; (b && b !== a && !c || f || !z && ea != a) && v(b, a) } } } function xa(a) { y && (a.pagey < p ? e.movesectionup() : a.pagey > p && e.movesectiondown()); p = a.pagey } function f(a, b) { var g = b.position(), f = b.index(), e = a.closest(".fp-section"), h = e.index(".fp-section"), k = e.data("anchor"), l = e.find(".fp-slidesnav"), m = ya(b), n = v; if (d.onslideleave) { var r = e.find(".fp-slide.active"), q = r.index(), t; t = q == f ? "none" : q > f ? "left" : "right"; if (!n && "none" !== t && c.isfunction(d.onslideleave) && !1 === d.onslideleave.call(r, k, h + 1, q, t, f)) { z = !1; return } } b.addclass("active").siblings().removeclass("active"); n || k(b); !d.loophorizontal && d.controlarrows && (e.find(".fp-controlarrow.fp-prev").toggle(0 !== f), e.find(".fp-controlarrow.fp-next").toggle(!b.is(":last-child"))); e.hasclass("active") && y(f, m, k, h); var u = function() { n || c.isfunction(d.afterslideload) && d.afterslideload.call(b, k, h + 1, m, f); z = !1 }; d.css3 ? (g = "translate3d(-" + p.round(g.left) + "px, 0px, 0px)", za(a.find(".fp-slidescontainer"), 0 < d.scrollingspeed).css(aa(g)), fa = settimeout(function() { u() }, d.scrollingspeed, d.easing)) : a.animate({ scrollleft: p.round(g.left) }, d.scrollingspeed, d.easing, function() { u() }); l.find(".active").removeclass("active"); l.find("li").eq(f).find("a").addclass("active") } function ba() { la(); if (q) { var a = c(m.activeelement); a.is("textarea") || a.is("input") || a.is("select") || (a = n.height(), p.abs(a - ga) > 20 * p.max(ga, a) / 100 && (e.rebuild(!0), ga = a)) } else cleartimeout(ha), ha = settimeout(function() { e.rebuild(!0) }, 350) } function la() { var a = d.responsive || d.responsivewidth, b = d.responsiveheight; a && e.setresponsive(n.width() < a); b && (h.hasclass("fp-responsive") || e.setresponsive(n.height() < b)) } function za(a) { var b = "all " + d.scrollingspeed + "ms " + d.easingcss3; a.removeclass("fp-notransition"); return a.css({ "-webkit-transition": b, transition: b }) } function ya(a, b) { if (825 > a || 900 > b) { var d = p.min(100 * a / 825, 100 * b / 900).tofixed(2); r.css("font-size", d + "%") } else r.css("font-size", "100%") } function i(a, b) { d.menu && (c(d.menu).find(".active").removeclass("active"), c(d.menu).find('[data-menuanchor="' + a + '"]').addclass("active")); d.navigation && (c("#fp-nav").find(".active").removeclass("active"), a ? c("#fp-nav").find('a[href="#' + a + '"]').addclass("active") : c("#fp-nav").find("li").eq(b).find("a").addclass("active")) } function x(a) { var b = c(".fp-section.active").index(".fp-section"); a = a.index(".fp-section"); return b == a ? "none" : b > a ? "up" : "down" } function j(a) { a.css("overflow", "hidden"); var b = a.closest(".fp-section"), c = a.find(".fp-scrollable"), f; c.length ? f = c.get(0).scrollheight : (f = a.get(0).scrollheight, d.verticalcentered && (f = a.find(".fp-tablecell").get(0).scrollheight)); b = q - parseint(b.css("padding-bottom")) - parseint(b.css("padding-top")); f > b ? c.length ? c.css("height", b + "px").parent().css("height", b + "px") : (d.verticalcentered ? a.find(".fp-tablecell").wrapinner('
    ') : a.wrapinner('
    '), a.find(".fp-scrollable").slimscroll({ allowpagescroll: !0, height: b + "px", size: "10px", alwaysvisible: !0 })) : ca(a); a.css("overflow", "") } function ca(a) { a.find(".fp-scrollable").children().first().unwrap().unwrap(); a.find(".slimscrollbar").remove(); a.find(".slimscrollrail").remove() } function ia(a) { a.addclass("fp-table").wrapinner('
    ') } function da(a) { var b = q; if (d.paddingtop || d.paddingbottom) b = a, b.hasclass("fp-section") || (b = a.closest(".fp-section")), a = parseint(b.css("padding-top")) + parseint(b.css("padding-bottom")), b = q - a; return b } function wa(a, b) { b ? za(h) : h.addclass("fp-notransition"); h.css(aa(a)); settimeout(function() { h.removeclass("fp-notransition") }, 10) } function ea(a) { var b = c('.fp-section[data-anchor="' + a + '"]'); b.length || (b = c(".fp-section").eq(a - 1)); return b } function v(a, b) { var d = ea(a); "undefined" === typeof b && (b = 0); a === a || d.hasclass("active") ? fa(d, b) : b(d, function() { fa(d, b) }) } function fa(a, b) { if ("undefined" !== typeof b) { var d = a.find(".fp-slides"), c; c = a.find(".fp-slides"); var e = c.find('.fp-slide[data-anchor="' + b + '"]'); e.length || (e = c.find(".fp-slide").eq(b)); c = e; c.length && f(d, c) } } function ra(a, b) { a.append('
      '); var c = a.find(".fp-slidesnav"); c.addclass(d.slidesnavposition); for (var f = 0; f < b; f++) c.find("ul").append('
    • '); c.css("margin-left", "-" + c.width() / 2 + "px"); c.find("li").first().find("a").addclass("active") } function y(a, b, c, f) { f = ""; d.anchors.length && !d.lockanchors && (a ? ("undefined" !== typeof c && (f = c), "undefined" === typeof b && (b = a), ea = b, ga(f + "/" + b)) : ("undefined" !== typeof a && (ea = b), ga(c))); ma() } function ga(a) { if (d.recordhistory) location.hash = a; else if (q || r) history.replacestate(h, h, "#" + a); else { var b = l.location.href.split("#")[0]; l.location.replace(b + "#" + a) } } function ya(a) { var b = a.data("anchor"); a = a.index(); "undefined" === typeof b && (b = a); return b } function ma() { var a = c(".fp-section.active"), b = a.find(".fp-slide.active"), e = a.data("anchor"), f = ya(b), a = a.index(".fp-section"), a = string(a); d.anchors.length && (a = e); b.length && (a = a + "-" + f); a = a.replace("/", "-").replace("#", ""); r[0].classname = r[0].classname.replace(regexp("\\b\\s?fp-viewing-[^\\s]+\\b", "g"), ""); r.addclass("fp-viewing-" + a) } function ma() { var a = m.createelement("p"), b, c = { webkittransform: "-webkit-transform", otransform: "-o-transform", mstransform: "-ms-transform", moztransform: "-moz-transform", transform: "transform" }; m.body.insertbefore(a, null); for (var d in c) a.style[d] !== h && (a.style[d] = "translate3d(1px,1px,1px)", b = l.getcomputedstyle(a).getpropertyvalue(c[d])); m.body.removechild(a); return b !== h && 0 < b.length && "none" !== b } function za() { if (q || r) { var a = ha(); c(".fullpage-wrapper").off("touchstart " + a.down).on("touchstart " + a.down, ta); c(".fullpage-wrapper").off("touchmove " + a.move).on("touchmove " + a.move, sa) } } function $a() { if (q || r) { var a = ha(); c(".fullpage-wrapper").off("touchstart " + a.down); c(".fullpage-wrapper").off("touchmove " + a.move) } } function ha() { return l.pointerevent ? { down: "pointerdown", move: "pointermove" } : { down: "mspointerdown", move: "mspointermove" } } function ra(a) { var b = []; b.y = "undefined" !== typeof a.pagey && (a.pagey || a.pagex) ? a.pagey : a.touches[0].pagey; b.x = "undefined" !== typeof a.pagex && (a.pagey || a.pagex) ? a.pagex : a.touches[0].pagex; r && ba(a) && d.scrollbar && (b.y = a.touches[0].pagey, b.x = a.touches[0].pagex); return b } function u(a, b) { e.setscrollingspeed(0, "internal"); "undefined" !== typeof b && (v = !0); f(a.closest(".fp-slides"), a); "undefined" !== typeof b && (v = !1); e.setscrollingspeed(g.scrollingspeed, "internal") } function x(a) { d.scrollbar ? h.scrolltop(a) : d.css3 ? wa("translate3d(0px, -" + a + "px, 0px)", !1) : h.css("top", -a) } function aa(a) { return { "-webkit-transform": a, "-moz-transform": a, "-ms-transform": a, transform: a } } function ia(a, b, c) { switch (b) { case "up": k[c].up = a; break; case "down": k[c].down = a; break; case "left": k[c].left = a; break; case "right": k[c].right = a; break; case "all": "m" == c ? e.setallowscrolling(a) : e.setkeyboardscrolling(a) } } function ab() { x(0); c("#fp-nav, .fp-slidesnav, .fp-controlarrow").remove(); c(".fp-section").css({ height: "", "background-color": "", padding: "" }); c(".fp-slide").css({ width: "" }); h.css({ height: "", position: "", "-ms-touch-action": "", "touch-action": "" }); t.css({ overflow: "", height: "" }); c("html").removeclass("fp-enabled"); c.each(r.get(0).classname.split(/\s+/), function(a, b) { 0 === b.indexof("fp-viewing") && r.removeclass(b) }); c(".fp-section, .fp-slide").each(function() { ca(c(this)); c(this).removeclass("fp-table active") }); h.addclass("fp-notransition"); h.find(".fp-tablecell, .fp-slidescontainer, .fp-slides").each(function() { c(this).replacewith(this.childnodes) }); t.scrolltop(0) } function s(a, b, c) { d[a] = b; "internal" !== c && (g[a] = b) } function t(a, b) { console && console[a] && console[a]("fullpage: " + b) } var t = c("html, body"), r = c("body"), e = c.fn.fullpage; d = c.extend({ menu: !1, anchors: [], lockanchors: !1, navigation: !1, navigationposition: "right", navigationtooltips: [], showactivetooltip: !1, slidesnavigation: !1, slidesnavposition: "bottom", scrollbar: !1, css3: !0, scrollingspeed: 700, autoscrolling: !0, fittosection: !0, fittosectiondelay: 1e3, easing: "easeinoutcubic", easingcss3: "ease", loopbottom: !1, looptop: !1, loophorizontal: !0, continuousvertical: !1, normalscrollelements: null, scrolloverflow: !1, touchsensitivity: 5, normalscrollelementtouchthreshold: 5, keyboardscrolling: !0, animateanchor: !0, recordhistory: !0, controlarrows: !0, controlarrowcolor: "#fff", verticalcentered: !0, resize: !1, sectionscolor: [], paddingtop: 0, paddingbottom: 0, fixedelements: null, responsive: 0, responsivewidth: 0, responsiveheight: 0, sectionselector: ".section", slideselector: ".slide", afterload: null, onleave: null, afterrender: null, afterresize: null, afterrebuild: null, afterslideload: null, onslideleave: null }, d); (function() { d.continuousvertical && (d.looptop || d.loopbottom) && (d.continuousvertical = !1, t("warn", "option `looptop/loopbottom` is mutually exclusive with `continuousvertical`; `continuousvertical` disabled")); d.scrollbar && d.scrolloverflow && t("warn", "option `scrollbar` is mutually exclusive with `scrolloverflow`. sections with scrolloverflow might not work well in firefox"); d.continuousvertical && d.scrollbar && (d.continuousvertical = !1, t("warn", "option `scrollbar` is mutually exclusive with `continuousvertical`; `continuousvertical` disabled")); c.each(d.anchors, function(a, b) { (c("#" + b).length || c('[name="' + b + '"]').length) && t("error", "data-anchor tags can not have the same value as any `id` element on the site (or `name` element for ie).") }) })(); c.extend(c.easing, { easeinoutcubic: function(a, b, c, d, e) { return 1 > (b /= e / 2) ? d / 2 * b * b * b + c : d / 2 * ((b -= 2) * b * b + 2) + c } }); c.extend(c.easing, { easeinquart: function(a, b, c, d, e) { return d * (b /= e) * b * b * b + c } }); e.setautoscrolling = function(a, b) { s("autoscrolling", a, b); var g = c(".fp-section.active"); d.autoscrolling && !d.scrollbar ? (t.css({ overflow: "hidden", height: "100%" }), e.setrecordhistory(d.recordhistory, "internal"), h.css({ "-ms-touch-action": "none", "touch-action": "none" }), g.length && x(g.position().top)) : (t.css({ overflow: "visible", height: "initial" }), e.setrecordhistory(!1, "internal"), h.css({ "-ms-touch-action": "", "touch-action": "" }), x(0), g.length && t.scrolltop(g.position().top)) }; e.setrecordhistory = function(a, b) { s("recordhistory", a, b) }; e.setscrollingspeed = function(a, b) { s("scrollingspeed", a, b) }; e.setfittosection = function(a, b) { s("fittosection", a, b) }; e.setlockanchors = function(a) { d.lockanchors = a }; e.setmousewheelscrolling = function(a) { a ? m.addeventlistener ? (m.addeventlistener("mousewheel", u, !1), m.addeventlistener("wheel", u, !1), m.addeventlistener("dommousescroll", u, !1)) : m.attachevent("onmousewheel", u) : m.addeventlistener ? (m.removeeventlistener("mousewheel", u, !1), m.removeeventlistener("wheel", u, !1), m.removeeventlistener("dommousescroll", u, !1)) : m.detachevent("onmousewheel", u) }; e.setallowscrolling = function(a, b) { "undefined" !== typeof b ? (b = b.replace(/ /g, "").split(","), c.each(b, function(b, c) { ia(a, c, "m") })) : a ? (e.setmousewheelscrolling(!0), za()) : (e.setmousewheelscrolling(!1), $a()) }; e.setkeyboardscrolling = function(a, b) { "undefined" !== typeof b ? (b = b.replace(/ /g, "").split(","), c.each(b, function(b, c) { ia(a, c, "k") })) : d.keyboardscrolling = a }; e.movesectionup = function() { var a = c(".fp-section.active").prev(".fp-section"); a.length || !d.looptop && !d.continuousvertical || (a = c(".fp-section").last()); a.length && b(a, null, !0) }; e.movesectiondown = function() { var a = c(".fp-section.active").next(".fp-section"); a.length || !d.loopbottom && !d.continuousvertical || (a = c(".fp-section").first()); a.length && b(a, null, !1) }; e.silentmoveto = function(a, b) { requestanimframe(function() { e.setscrollingspeed(0, "internal") }); e.moveto(a, b); requestanimframe(function() { e.setscrollingspeed(g.scrollingspeed, "internal") }) }; e.moveto = function(a, b) { var c = ea(a); "undefined" !== typeof b ? v(a, b) : 0 < c.length && b(c) }; e.moveslideright = function() { ua("next") }; e.moveslideleft = function() { ua("prev") }; e.rebuild = function(a) { if (!h.hasclass("fp-destroyed")) { requestanimframe(function() { v = !0 }); var b = n.width(); q = n.height(); d.resize && ya(q, b); c(".fp-section").each(function() { var a = c(this).find(".fp-slides"), b = c(this).find(".fp-slide"); d.verticalcentered && c(this).find(".fp-tablecell").css("height", da(c(this)) + "px"); c(this).css("height", q + "px"); d.scrolloverflow && (b.length ? b.each(function() { j(c(this)) }) : j(c(this))); 1 < b.length && f(a, a.find(".fp-slide.active")) }); (b = c(".fp-section.active").index(".fp-section")) && e.silentmoveto(b + 1); requestanimframe(function() { v = !1 }); c.isfunction(d.afterresize) && a && d.afterresize.call(h); c.isfunction(d.afterrebuild) && !a && d.afterrebuild.call(h) } }; e.setresponsive = function(a) { var b = h.hasclass("fp-responsive"); a ? b || (e.setautoscrolling(!1, "internal"), e.setfittosection(!1, "internal"), c("#fp-nav").hide(), h.addclass("fp-responsive")) : b && (e.setautoscrolling(g.autoscrolling, "internal"), e.setfittosection(g.autoscrolling, "internal"), c("#fp-nav").show(), h.removeclass("fp-responsive")) }; var z = !1, q = navigator.useragent.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad|android|playbook|silk|blackberry|bb10|windows phone|tizen|bada|webos|iemobile|opera mini)/), r = "ontouchstart" in l || 0 < navigator.msmaxtouchpoints || navigator.maxtouchpoints, h = c(this), q = n.height(), v = !1, ja = !0, a, ea, y = !0, c = [], o, k = { m: { up: !0, down: !0, left: !0, right: !0 } }; k.k = c.extend(!0, {}, k.m); var g = c.extend(!0, {}, d), ha, ca, fa, z, aa, ka; c(this).length && la(); var w = !1; n.on("scroll", oa); var e = 0, n = 0, d = 0, m = 0, ta = (new date).gettime(); l.requestanimframe = function() { return l.requestanimationframe || function(a) { a() } }(); n.on("hashchange", xa); w.keydown(function(a) { cleartimeout(ka); var b = c(":focus"); b.is("textarea") || b.is("input") || b.is("select") || !d.keyboardscrolling || !d.autoscrolling || (-1 < c.inarray(a.which, [40, 38, 32, 33, 34]) && a.preventdefault(), o = a.ctrlkey, ka = settimeout(function() { var b = a.shiftkey; switch (a.which) { case 38: case 33: k.k.up && e.movesectionup(); break; case 32: if (b && k.k.up) { e.movesectionup(); break } case 40: case 34: k.k.down && e.movesectiondown(); break; case 36: k.k.up && e.moveto(1); break; case 35: k.k.down && e.moveto(c(".fp-section").length); break; case 37: k.k.left && e.moveslideleft(); break; case 39: k.k.right && e.moveslideright() } }, 150)) }); w.keyup(function(a) { ja && (o = a.ctrlkey) }); c(l).blur(function() { o = ja = !1 }); h.mousedown(function(a) { 2 == a.which && (p = a.pagey, h.on("mousemove", xa)) }); h.mouseup(function(a) { 2 == a.which && h.off("mousemove") }); var p = 0; w.on("click touchstart", "#fp-nav a", function(a) { a.preventdefault(); a = c(this).parent().index(); b(c(".fp-section").eq(a)) }); w.on("click touchstart", ".fp-slidesnav a", function(a) { a.preventdefault(); a = c(this).closest(".fp-section").find(".fp-slides"); var b = a.find(".fp-slide").eq(c(this).closest("li").index()); f(a, b) }); d.normalscrollelements && (w.on("mouseenter", d.normalscrollelements, function() { e.setmousewheelscrolling(!1) }), w.on("mouseleave", d.normalscrollelements, function() { e.setmousewheelscrolling(!0) })); c(".fp-section").on("click touchstart", ".fp-controlarrow", function() { c(this).hasclass("fp-prev") ? k.m.left && e.moveslideleft() : k.m.right && e.moveslideright() }); n.resize(ba); var ga = q; e.destroy = function(a) { e.setautoscrolling(!1, "internal"); e.setallowscrolling(!1); e.setkeyboardscrolling(!1); h.addclass("fp-destroyed"); cleartimeout(fa); cleartimeout(ca); cleartimeout(ha); cleartimeout(z); cleartimeout(aa); n.off("scroll", oa).off("hashchange", xa).off("resize", ba); w.off("click", "#fp-nav a").off("mouseenter", "#fp-nav li").off("mouseleave", "#fp-nav li").off("click", ".fp-slidesnav a").off("mouseover", d.normalscrollelements).off("mouseout", d.normalscrollelements); c(".fp-section").off("click", ".fp-controlarrow"); cleartimeout(fa); cleartimeout(ca); a && ab() } } });